AGCO Agriculture Foundation Donates to BORSCH in Ukraine


The AGCO Agriculture Foundation (AAF), which is a private foundation along with the vision for preventing and relieving the hunger through the sustainable agricultural development announced that, a donation of 50,000 dollars to an initiative called as BORSCH has been implemented by the Land Club, which is a non-profit organization in country of Ukraine.

This donation is going to be helping BORSCH has been contributing to the food and nutrition security of Ukraine during this crisis along with improving the livelihoods of the farming communities of Ukraine affected by the war.

Expansion on the AAF Ukraine Humanitarian Aid Program, the AAF donation to the BORSCH initiative is going to be contributing to the purchase of the borsch set vegetable seeds, mostly the cabbages, carrots, onions, potatoes and beetroots and the seeds is going to be distributed freely to the farmers for the planting season on the affected areas of wars in Ukraine where they are not accessible and available now.

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This donation has been building on the Humanitarian Aid Program of Ukraine, the AAF has now launched in March 2022 for the purpose of supporting Ukraine with the food supplies and making sure that, the safety of all the colleagues of Ukraine and their families. Metti Richenhagen, director for AAF said that, during the crisis, their priority has been is to support the farmers and their communities with some of the essential resources.