GE Healthcare and NorthStar Medical Radioisotopes Partners for Manufacturing and Distribution in US

NorthStar Medical Radioisotopes LLC, an innovator in the development, commercialization and production of the radiopharmaceuticals across the globe, that are used for the purpose of medical imaging and therapeutic applications and the GE Healthcare has announced the partnership for the purpose of manufacturing and distribution of the iodine-123 (I-123) capsules in the United States of […]

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US Army Developed Machine Learning Tool ‘DESOLATOR’ for Protecting Vehicles from Being Hacked

The researchers in the United States have developed a new machine learning tool, which they are calling the ‘DESOLATOR’ that has been mainly designed for the purpose of securing the networks that are running a vehicle preventing the vehicle from being hacked, along with not impacting the performance. This technology has been designed by the […]

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