Google Warns, Cryptocurrency Miners are Using Hacked Cloud Accounts


The technology company ‘Google’ has warned that, the cyber hackers have been using the compromised cloud accounts for the purpose of mining the cryptocurrency. The details of the mining hackers have been contained in a report by the cyber security action team of Google, which is responsible for spotting the hacking threats against the company’s cloud service, which has been a remote storage system, where Google is storing the files and data of its customers and also gives advice on how to face them.

Several other threats identified by the Google’s action team in its first report has been including the state hackers of Russia attempting to gain the passwords of the users by warning that, they have been targeted by the attackers have been backed by the government, and the hackers of North Koreas that had been posing as the job recruiters of Samsung, and also the use of encryption in the attacks of ransomware.

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Mining has been the name given for the process by which the blockchains like those, which are underpinning the cryptocurrencies are verified and regulated, and it also requires a significant amount of the power of computing, and the company ‘Google’ has now reported that, out of 50 percent hacks of the company’s cloud computing services, more than 80 percent had been used for performing the mining of the cryptocurrency.