UK Study: Coronavirus Might Decrease Intelligence Levels of the Patients


According to a UK study, a serious corona virus infection, which is also involving the ventilator support and hospitalization, is having a substantial impact on the intelligence of the recovered patients as a part of a wider long covid-19 symptoms.

The scientists in United Kingdom had tested 81,337 participants in the study between the month of January 2020 to December 2020 along with a clinically validated and confirmed web-optimised assessment as of the Great British Intelligence Test campaign, and the items of the questionnaire have also captured the self-report of the confirmed and suspected novel corona virus infection and the respiratory symptoms.

The results are obtained according to the reports of the long covid-19, the brain of the trouble in concentrating, brain fog and difficulty in identifying the correct words are most comes and the scale of the observed deficit had not been non-substantial during the examination of the entire population and the deficits had mostly been pronounced for the paradigms, which have tapped the functions like spatial planning, reasoning, problem solving and detection of the target at the time of sparing the tests of more simple functions including emotional processing.

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The study says that, the people who had been recovered from the novel corona virus pandemic, which includes those people who are no longer reporting the symptoms, along with exhibiting some significant cognitive deficits against the controls when trying to control for gender, age, income, education level, racial and ethnic groups, anxiety, depression, tiredness and pre-existing medical disorders.