American Kidney Fund Survey Highlights Need to Expand Chronic Kidney Diseases Tests


The American Kidney Fund Survey (AKA) has released the findings from a survey that is providing the new insights on the level of the awareness among the providers of the healthcare regarding the less common causes of the damages in kidney along with their approaches towards the treatment and diagnosing of the chronic kidney disease (CKD).

The survey, which has been a part of the ongoing work of American Kidney Fund with its project known as the Unknown Causes of Kidney Disease (UCKD), has been examining the opportunities and barriers among the healthcare providers for the purpose of providing the patients with a timely kidney disease diagnosis that is identifying the cause of their damage of kidney.

The kidney disease has been growing at rapid speed, which is affecting around 37 million people of the United States and around 810,000 people in the United States and they are living with the kidney failure, which has been mostly caused by the high blood pressure or diabetes.

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According to the Renal Data System of the United States, around 5 percent cases of the kidney failure have been attributed to the unknown cases, and in the survey of AKF, the healthcare providers said that, they have estimated 15 percent of their patients are having kidney diseases with no known reason or cause.

LaVarne A. Burton, chief executive officer and president of AKF said, what they have learned through the survey had been enlightening and is very much reinforcing why the AKF has taken action for the purpose of improving the treatment and diagnosis of the Kidney Diseases.