Gogo installs 5G antennas in United States


On Tuesday, 22nd June 2021, Gogo, in-flight broadband internet provider company announced, it has been successful in installing the company’s first two 5G antennas on a tower in the United States of America as the company is expanding the 5G network and the onboard services.

The company Gogo is now going to start testing the systems and Dave Glenn, senior VP of customer operations for the company Gogo said, the Gogo 5G network is going to be the fourth air-to-ground network across the United Kingdom, which the company has built and designed.

Dave Glenn said, the deployment of the company’s first ground site antenna and also for leveraging their unparalleled ATG experience over the past 28 year is going to be enabling the company for the process of the validating their design for a smooth launch of the company’s product and services.

Mike Syverson, senior VP of Engineering for the company Gogo said, the company ‘Gogo’ has been previously working on the prototypes of the 5G air card and it has also completed the tests, that have been involving a coast-to-coast flight with the belly-mounted 5G antennas, and the company has also been successful in managing to connect 5G antennas on the ground tower to the 5G antennas based on an aircraft.

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The company has also completed several other tests on the 5G network in the past, that has been including an end-to-end call by using the 5G sim card, through the data center of the internet and also from the onboard equipment to the site of the cell.