Boris Johnson Reveals Plans for New Science and Technology Council in UK


Boris Johnson, Prime Minister of United Kingdom has revealed the plans for the new National Science and Technology Council. The National Science and Technology Council is going to provide strategic direction on the usage of the science and technology as the tools for tackling the different types of changes in the society.

Patrick Vallance, chief scientific advisor of the government of UK, is going to be taking on a new role as National Technology Advisor, and he is going to head up to a new Office for Science and Technology Strategy, which is based in the cabinet office.

The organisation is going to be reviewing that, which technologies, the government of United Kingdom should be prioritising for gaining a strategi development, and could possibly have funding implications across engineering, which the government of United Kingdom is going to invest 14 billion pounds in the research and development during 2021 to 2022.

The plans are also going to be including the development of the technology for combating the climate crisis with the help of accelerating the race to net zero, and also designing the machines, which can possibly cure.

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Boris Johnson said, starting from the discovery to the delivery, their corona virus vaccination program has successfully proven, what the country of United Kingdom can possibly achieve at the scale and also at speed. He also said, with helps of the proper speed, backup and direction, they can possibly be able to breathe life into many more technological and scientific breakthroughs, that are mainly responsible for transforming the life of the people across the United Kingdom.