UK Trial, Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease Reversed By Mini Implant


According to a trial conducted by a hospital in Bristol, United Kingdom, is believed for being the first in the world to implant the smallest device into a brain for reversing the symptoms of the Parkinson’s disease. The surgeons of the Southmead Hospital has used a tiny deep brain stimulation (DBS) device for the purpose of overriding the abnormal brain-cell firing patterns, which is caused by the Parkinson’s disease.

There are twenty-five patients have also been selected for the trial that is concluding in the year 2022, and currently, there has been no cure for the Parkinson’s disease, which is leading to the parts of the brain that is becoming progressively damaged over the years.

The symptoms also including the involuntary shaking of the parts of the body along with the slow movement and stiffing and inflexible muscles, and most of the people has also been developing the symptoms when they are more than 50 years of age but around 5 percent of the patients suffering the first experience of the symptoms when they are under the age of 40 years.

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The traditional operations for the Parkinson’s disease involving the implanting of a fairly large battery into the chest along with the wires that are running under the skin through the top of the head of the patients.