Study: Effectiveness of Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine Drops After 6 Months


The effectiveness of the Pfizer and BioNTech novel corona virus vaccine in the prevention of the infection from the virus has been dropped to 47 percent from 88 percent six months after receiving the second dose of the vaccine, and according to the data, the health of the United States has been considered when making decisions on the booster shots of covid-19 vaccine.

The analysis of the data has been showing that, the effectiveness of the novel corona virus vaccine for the purpose of preventing the deaths and hospitalizations have been remained high at 90 percent around six months, also against the Delta variant of the novel corona virus.

The data has also been suggesting that, the decrease has been emerged because of the waning efficacy of the vaccine, rather than the more contagious variants of the novel corona virus, as said by the researchers, and the researchers from the Kaiser Permanente and Pfizer have also studied the electronic health records of around 3.4 million people, that had been the members of the Kaiser Permanente based in the Southern region of California between the month of December 2021 and August 2021.

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Luis Jodar, chief medical officer and senior vice president at Pfizer vaccines said, their analysis specified on the covid-19 variants has been clearly showing that, the Pfizer novel corona virus vaccine has been effective against all the existing covid-19 variants concern, that has also been including the Delta novel corona virus variant.