Takeda Selects New Partners for Global CSR Programs


Takeda announced four new partnerships for its Global Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Program that make long-term commitments to strengthen healthcare services for the people in emerging and developing nations.

The workforce of Takeda is a critical part of the annual decision-making process, as over 23,000 employees have voted to select Plan International, Ipas, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), and Pure Earth as the Global CSR Program partners for 2022.

Since its launch, Takeda’s Global CSR Program has provided a total of 140.7 million dollars to 19 international and non-governmental organizations on 24 programs, which address over 23 sustainable development goals (SDG) targets in around 79 countries.

Takako Ohyabu, chief global corporate affairs and sustainability officer of Takeda, said they are proud to partner with the organizations to respond directly to some of the most immediate needs of the populations and systems that effectively address the main causes.

Takako Ohyabu added that these new partnerships will help reduce life-threatening emergency problems while transforming the daily lives of people and saving the planet. They know that sustainable impact takes time and they have a long-term view, and they also know several of the most enduring, and innovative solutions, which are brought to life through these partnerships.

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