Trump Levied Tariffs Chinese Goods Worth $200 Billion, US-China Trade War Intensified

The US President Donald Trump, possessing a vitalized economic strength, escalated the ongoing US-China Trade War by levying tariffs on goods worth $200 Billion along with taxing all the imports. Showing no signs of backing off from his decision, Mr. Trump stated that “if China takes retaliatory action against our farmers or other industries,” he […]

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Russia-China Flag

Russia and China to Enter Into a Hi-Tech Investment

The world’s largest nation Russia and the most populous country China are heading towards investing about $1.28 billion in the Russia-China Investment Fund (RCIF). Being established by the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) and China Investment Corporation, have announced to launch the Russia-China Venture Fund (RCVF), as stated by RDIF. The RDIF, describing the venture, […]

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