LG Electronics: Researcher to Head 6G Technology Alliance in US


On Tuesday, 15th June 2021, LG Electronics said, one of the company’s senior researchers is going to be heading a working group in a North American mobile technology alliance for the development of the 6G technology. The company said, Lee ki-dong, a principal researcher at the company ‘LG’, had been elected as head of the Applications working group in the Next G Alliance, and he has also been given a term of two years for leading the working group, which will be addressing the needs related to the 6G application.

The Next G Alliance had been launched by ATIS (Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions) based in United States for beefing up the mobile technology in 6G. The company LG said, the 6G technology is generally expected to be commercialised in 2029, along with the talks for the beginning of the standardisation in the year 2025.

The company said that, the next-generation telecommunications is going to be providing faster speed of the data, along with lower latency and very high reliability than the 5G technology, and the company also said that, the next generation telecommunications network technology is going to be able to bring the concept of AIoE also known as Ambient Internet of Everything, that is responsible in providing the enhanced connected experience to the users of the technology.

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The company ‘LG’ has also established a 6G research centre along with KAIST in 2019, and it has also signed an agreement with the Korean Research Institute of Standards and technology for the development of the 6G technology.