Google Translate for Web Now has Tool that Translates Text Within Images


A useful new feature that lets you translate text in images into a language of the user’s choosing has been added to Google Translate for the web.

On the Google Translate website, users can access the new feature by clicking on the Images tab at the top, which joins the existing Text, Documents, and Websites options. You will be asked to upload an image in jpg, jpeg, or png formats after the users click it.

The tool will immediately translate the file to the language user have selected as the default once it is uploaded. They consider 132 upheld dialects of composing. When the file is uploaded, the tool will immediately translate it into the default language that the user has selected. At the time of writing, the tool supports 132 languages.

The Lens Translate branding that appears below the output suggests that the application makes use of the same GAN (generative adversarial networks) that power Google Lens’s AR Translate. Even though Lens has been translating for a long time, the most recent version does so with the same technology that powers Magic Eraser. Because of this, it can be translated to appear to be replacing the text rather than superimposing on top of it.

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