
Quit Smoking by These Potential Drugs, Recently Discovered By Researchers


Finding difficulty in giving up smoking? Researchers at Washington State University have been able to find a solution for the same.

By creating more than a dozen candidate drugs, this team of Researchers has been able to curtail the smoker’s desire for nicotine. Even if it will not be curbed altogether, it will definitely reduce a person’s consumption of tobacco.

The discovery, stated in The Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, has targeted a liver enzyme, called CYP2A6, which has an ability to metabolize the properties of nicotine. According to researchers, the people who are inherited with a smaller amount of this gene or enzyme be likely to smoke less.

Two pleasure-causing chemicals Dopamine and Serotonin, which are produced by the body, are triggered by nicotine. The moment they get metabolized, users will sense withdrawal symptoms such as tickling in both hands and feet, anxiety, sweating, and irritability. These chemicals, gradually, will build dozens of molecules further binding to CYP2A6 and then absorb nicotine.

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Philip Lazarus, co-author of this study stated: “If you inhibit CYP2A6, it shouldn’t bother your overall health. If we could specifically target this enzyme, people should be fine, and it will possibly help them stop smoking or at least decrease their amount of smoking.”

Up till now, the researchers have made sure that their candidate drugs should not hamper the other vital enzymes that help in the metabolism process of the body. After this, the number of potential drugs is now 18.