Alcohol consumption

Even Slightest Amount of Alcohol Consumption Is Not Safe: Global Study


For all those who think moderate consumption of alcohol partakes no effects on health, this recent study clears it all.

Even the slightest amount of alcohol consumption, as per the comprehensive study, is not at all good for health. One out of 3, the study unveiled, which means 2.4 billion of the world’s population is involved in drinking alcohol. Out of which, 25 percent are women and 39 percent being men. The study involved the data collected from about 195 countries of both males and females aged 15-49 from 1990 to 2016.

Alcohol consumption, as per researchers, is one of the foremost death & disability risk factors and has accounted to nearly 10 percent (2.8 million) of global deaths annually. Solely in the United States, undue intake of alcohol led to about 88,000 of deaths from 2006 to 2010, as per the Centers for Disease Control report.

The report submitted in the research papers stated, “The widely held view of the health benefits of alcohol needs revising. Our results show that the safest level of drinking is none.” However, this analysis stands contradictory with that of the common health guidelines that find drinking one drink in a day for both men and women to be safe.

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Controverting the result recently analyzed, Keith Humphreys, a psychiatry professor at Stanford University, said: “It doesn’t mean, if you drink on birthdays and Christmas, you’re going to die. Rather, the findings apply more to people who have one drink a day, most days of the week.”  It is contrary to the latest research that found: “the kind of person who drinks every week, but never drinks much, is in fact not better off than somebody who doesn’t drink.”

Researchers, nonetheless, have suggested, for abstaining the intake of alcohol, to weave more policies for increasing alcohol taxes, which will in turn help in reduction of alcohol intake. “Any of these policy actions would contribute to reductions in population-level consumption, a vital step toward decreasing the health loss associated with alcohol use,” said Emmanuela Gakidou, co-author of the study.