UK: NHS Trials Smart Goggles for Nurses on Home Visits of Patients


The National Health Service (NHS) of the United Kingdom has announced that it is testing high-tech smart goggles, which will be worn by community nurses on home visits in an effort to free up time with the patients as part of a cutting-edge trial in eastern England.

The NHS said that as long as a patient consents, the virtual reality style headset can transcribe the appointment directly to the electronic records, decreasing the time-consuming administration task for the nurses.

The NHS staff will be able to share live footage directly with the hospital colleagues to get a second opinion, along with avoiding the need for further hospital admissions. It also includes thermal imaging to provide help in assessing how the injuries and wounds have healed.

Some of the best innovations come from local solutions, and through these projects, NHS staff can possibly test what will work for them and what provides the best possible care for patients.

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Dr. Tim Ferris, director for transformation at NHS UK, said these new smart glasses are the latest pioneering technology and it really shows them what the future of the NHS can look like. It also frees up time-consuming administration work for the nurses, which means more time for patient care.