Report: UK Health Experts Raise Alarm Over Disease X


According to reports, the health experts in the United Kingdom have urged the UK government to be prepared for the much talked regarding ‘Disease X’, and this is announced after a series of infections hit the United Kingdom.

The warning has come by UK health experts comes in wake of the poliovirus that is being detected in the sewage samples in London, UK. The authorities have not found any cases of polio disease, which is causing paralysis in children. The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) said, the risk had been low due to the high vaccination coverage.

United Kingdom has been fighting against the Monkeypox disease with 910 confirmed cases till June 23, 2022, and out of these cases, 873 cases of Monkeypox have been detected in England, 26 cases in Scotland, 8 cases in Wales and 3 cases in Northern Ireland.

According to reports, in March 2022, United Kingdom has reported a case of Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever after a women has returned from the central region of Asia. The United Kingdom is also reported Monkeypox cases of bird flu and Lassa fever in recent years.

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The healthcare experts said, they are living through a new pandemic area and added that, the Disease X can be just round the corner. According to World Health Organization (WHO), Disease X is representing the knowledge that, a serious international epidemic can be caused by a pathogen that is currently unknown to cause human disease.