US FDA Says, Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine For Children Below 5-Years Age


On Sunday, 12th June 2022, the federal health officials said, the children doses of the corona virus vaccine developed by Pfizer is effective for the children under five years of age, which is an important step towards a long and awaited decision to start vaccinating the young children of the United States.

In the analysis of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the United States said, the outside experts are going to be voting on whether the covid-19 vaccine shots have been ready for the country’s 18 million babies, toddlers and pre-school going children and the kids under the age of five years have been the only group that is not eligible for the vaccination in the United States.

If the regulators of the United States clear the vaccine shots, the covid-19 vaccination can possibly start as early as next week along with the ready to ships vaccine doses of the company that are ordered by the government of the United States. The parents have also been pressing the federal officials for several months for the opportunity of protecting the smallest children.

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As only 3 percent of the novel corona virus cases in the United States have been in the age group of 6 months to 4 years, and the hospitalization and the death rates in the particular age group and have been higher than the doses for the older children.