ZEISS Microscopy and LabCentral Partnered to Support Biotech Research Start-ups in Boston, US


ZEISS Microscopy has announced a strategic partnership with LabCentral, which is a non-profit company has a Launchpad for promising the biotech start-ups. ZEISS is also going to provide the access for the main life science microscopy innovations for the imaging and analysis solutions to the researchers in the footprint of LabCentral in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.

The company ‘ZEISS’ is going to provide microscopy solutions to equip researchers of LabCentral for the routine cell culture assessment, which is an automated high-resolution imaging of the live cells and complete slide scanning of the fixed cells and tissues.

The advanced electron microscopy solutions that is including cryo-EM for the assessment of the intracellular ultra-resolution structure is also going to be available. Additionally, ZEISS has been enabling the access to the Artificial Intelligence and deep learning backed image analysis solutions for the continuously increasing experimental results along with enabling the researchers for making fast decisions based on the reproducible analysis of the large datasets.

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When the researchers has signed on with LabCentral, they are going to provide the bench space and an immediate access to the cutting edge technology, which is including SEISS instrumentation. The partners like ZEISS has been enabling the start-ups of over 125 companies that is rotating through the LabCentral on an annual basis by providing the access to the equipment that is typically more time intensive and cost prohibitive for procuring on their own.