Anthony Fauci: US Is Transitioning Out of the Covid-19 Pandemic Phase


Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and chief medical advisor of Joe Biden said, right now, the United States is transitioning out of the novel corona virus phase. He said, they does not have 900,000 new corona virus infections in a day and thousands of the hospitalizations and thousands of deaths caused by the virus, and they are at low level right now.

Anthony Fauci also said that, some has mischaracterized his comments that the covid-19 pandemic has been over, which is not what he has said. They are now over the corona virus pandemic and are not letting anybody for getting misinterpretation that the corona virus pandemic is over in the United States, but what they are in has been a different phase of the covid-19 pandemic.

Anthony Fauci said that, it is transition phase and hopefully it is heading towards a more of a control where they actually get back to some form of the normality without the total disruption of the society, school-wise, economically and socially.

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Anthony Fauci also noted that, the novel corona virus cases have been trending up again even though it is not anywhere near the increase, which they had seen over the winter season with the wave of the Omicron Covid-19 Variant. So now what the people of the United States need to do is continue being vigilant for the purpose of following the guidelines of the US CDC.