Royal Philips And Prisma Health Partnered To Innovate Healthcare Across Enterprise


Royal Philips, a leading health technology company and Prisma Health, biggest non-profit healthcare system based in South Carolina has announced that, they have now entered into a multi-year agreement for the purpose of helping the health system for achieving the enterprise interoperability, along with standardizing the patient monitoring and driving the innovation in the enterprise imaging solutions for enhancing the patient care and also improving the clinical performance.

The Prisma Health is wanting to deliver on the aim of improving the patient and staff satisfaction, along with the decreasing the costs and also improving the outcomes for all the people living in South Carolina.

Rich Rogers, senior VP and chief information officer at Prisma Health said, when their two regional healthcare organizations have merged, an enterprise-wide technology strategy has become very critical for the purpose of standardizing the best practices across the complete system and also creating new bridges between the home care and hospital and is also continuing to drive the innovation.

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He also said, at Prisma Health, they have been wanted to engage a partner for the purpose of helping them to address the data integration and also unlocking the power of the patient data so that, they are going to be able for providing their patients with the best care anywhere in their service areas.

They also want to put the proper tools into the hands of their clinicians for allowing them for better sharing the information, along with collaboration and providing help in transforming the care for the communities, which the company serves.