United Kingdom Aiming To Source 25% of Power from Nuclear Plants by 2050


The government of the United Kingdom has been intending to source 25 percent of the country’s electricity from the nuclear power plants by the year 2050 in a strategy for helping the country in decreasing the dependence of the United Kingdom on the fossil fuels of Russia.

On 21st March 2022, Boris Johnson, prime minister of the United Kingdom has met with the industry leaders of nuclear energy for the purpose of discussing the ways for improving the energy security of the United Kingdom and also expediting the development of the nuclear projects in the country.

However, the United Kingdom has been currently generating around 16 percent of the company’s electricity from the nuclear power plants and most of the facilities have been scheduled for the closure as the demand for the electricity has been expected for growing steadily in the upcoming ten years.

The representatives from the different companies including GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy, EDF Energy, Rolls Royce, Nuclear Power Jacobs, Westinghouse Electric Company and NuScale has also attended the discussion. In the meeting, Boris Johnson has also outlined the commitment of the UK government for the purpose of supporting the industry for developing a thriving a pipeline of the nuclear projects in the United Kingdom in the future in a cost efficient way.

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The aspects of the benefits of increasing the investment and also eliminating the barriers that has been facing the development of the nuclear power had also been discussed, and the meeting comes ahead of the publication of the energy security strategy of the government of the United Kingdom in the same month.