Sony To Acquire Destiny Studio Bungie for $3.6-Billion


The company ‘Sony’, which has been developing the PlayStation, has recently announced a deal for the purpose of purchasing studio of video game known as Bungie for around 3.6 billion dollars. Bungie, which has been an independent studio is not only making the popular online action game known as Destiny but they have also created Halo, which has been the franchise that is helpful in fuelling the increase of the rival gaming platform known as Xbox.

The game ‘Destiny’ has currently been available on both Xbox and PlayStation along with the Stadia of Google and PCs, and the company ‘Bungie’ has also hinted that, the game is going to remain on all the current and existing platforms.

Bungie said that, they are going to be continuing to publish independently and developing their games creatively, and they are also going to be continuing for driving one and unified community of Bungie, and their games are also going continue for being where their community is and wherever they have chosen to play.

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For the company ‘Sony’, if the deal has been approved, it is going to be providing a significant boost and growth to the company’s PlayStation 5, which had been launched in the year 2020.

Kenichiro Yoshida, CEO, president and chairman of Sony Group Corporation said that, the studio ‘Bungie’ has successfully created and is also continuously evolving some of the most beloved franchises of the video games across the world and by collaborating the values of Bungie with the desire of people they are going to be bringing together millions of people around the world.