BAE Systems Increase Development of Electric Aircraft Technology at its Site in US


The BAE Systems has now made an investment in a facility in the USA that has been developing and also making the subsystems for the electric aircraft technology. The engineering development, along with the laboratory and manufacturing space at the company’s Endicott, which is a New York site that has been focusing on the maturation renewable energy storage, along with the power conservation system and controls for the applications of aviation.

Ehtisham Siddiqui, general manager and vice president of the Avionics Solutions and Controls at the BAE Systems said that, the investment of the company in the electrification has been a great opportunity for the development and delivering some very important capabilities for an emerging ecosystem of the travel.

He also said, this space has been giving the workforce of the company, the core manufacturing capabilities in the controls and the energy management systems for building on the company’s innovative and expertise for the future of the flights.

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The company ‘BAE Systems’ said that, the investment is going to provide help in the process of addressing the demands for the new products in the aerospace industry along with leveraging the techniques for manufacturing and processing the established over course of the 25 years of the company along with creating similar solutions for the transit buses and the vessels of marine.

The company has also been working on the integration and testing of the aircraft at Endicott and the company has also been planning to test propulsion systems of the aircraft.