Facebook Changes its Corporate Name to ‘Meta’


Facebook, a social media company has changed the company’s corporate name to ‘Meta’ as a part of a major rebranding, and the company also said, it is going to better encompass what it is going to be doing, as it will be broadening the reach of the company beyond the social media into the areas such as virtual reality (VR).

This change in the name is not going to be applied to the individual platforms of the company like, WhatsApp, Instagram, and Facebook, only the name of the parent company that owns them will be changed, and this move is also going to be followed by a series of a negative stories about the company, based on the documents that were leaked by an ex-employee of the company.

Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook has announced the new name as he reveals the plans for building a metaverse, which has been an online world, where the people can communicate, game and work in a virtual environment, by often using the virtual reality headsets, and he also said that, the existing brand cannot possibly represent everything that they have been doing today, and let alone in the future, and they needed to be changed.

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Mark Zuckerberg said, over the time, he is also hoping that, they are seen as metaverse company and he also wants to anchor their work and their identity on what they have been building towards, and now they are also looking and reporting at their business as the two different segments, which includes for their family of the apps and one for their work on the upcoming or future platforms.