UK’s Quantum Dice Raised 2-million Pounds for Secure Encryption Key


Quantum Dice, a start-up company in the United Kingdom has now raised 2 million pounds in the funding for the development of the first compact and continuously self-certifying quantum random number generator (QRNG) for the purpose of cybersecurity and encryption by using the process of integrated photonics.

The spinout of the Oxford University has also been at the QTEC quantum incubator in the region of Bristol, United Kingdom and it has also been commercializing a source-device independent self-certification (DISC) protocol, and this has also been allowing the live and continuous verification of the output numbers security other than just relying on the analysis of the statistics.

Dr. Ramy Shelbaya, cofounder and CEO of Quantum Dice said, in spite of the wide reaching and multiple failures in the security, that has been this widespread belief, which the already existing random number generators has been good enough, and this is acceptable because, till now, it has been very difficult for the purpose of proving the security advantages of the quantum random number generators, and the patented technology of the Quantum Dice has been present for the purpose of changing that, along with aiming to make the quantum security accessible to all of the applications of encryption.

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The cybersecurity has also been becoming one of the most important and critical priorities for the governments of the country along with the private industries, and for them the random number generator has been the main technology.