Amazon Launches Palm Swing Technology to Concert Venue in US


Amazon has been launching the company’s latest palm-recognition technology to a concert venue in the United States, that means that, the people attending the concert are going to be able to use their hand as ticket to enter the concert venue.

The company is going to be bringing the Amazon One to the amphitheatre known as Red Rocks based in Denver, Colorado, before the technology is going to be available at the other different venues in the upcoming months, and it has also been the first time, when the palm recognition technology will be used outside of the stores of Amazon, where the buyers can also pay for the food and several other items by just swiping their palms.

The people going to the concerts will be able to sign up to connect the palm of their hand to a ticketing account by just hovering their hand over a device before the event and the people will only need to sign up once. The people going to the concert can use their palm as a ticket for getting into the other venues at the events and shows at the venue, and the people do not need an amazon account for using the technology.

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For bringing the technology to the concert venue, Amazon has signed a deal with AEG, an entertainment company, that has been selling the tickets on the AXS, ticketing site of AEG, and Bryan Perez, chief executive of AXS said, the other venues are also planning to add the technology in the future.