GE Healthcare and NorthStar Medical Radioisotopes Partners for Manufacturing and Distribution in US


NorthStar Medical Radioisotopes LLC, an innovator in the development, commercialization and production of the radiopharmaceuticals across the globe, that are used for the purpose of medical imaging and therapeutic applications and the GE Healthcare has announced the partnership for the purpose of manufacturing and distribution of the iodine-123 (I-123) capsules in the United States of America.

Under the partnership, the Pharmaceutical Diagnostics unit of GE Healthcare is going to manufacture he iodine-123 capsules and then it will be supplying it to NorthStar under the label of NorthStar by a new and state-of-art production system, and the company NorthStar is also going to retain the exclusive distribution and marketing rights for the iodine-123 capsules in the United States.

Stephen Merrick, president and CEO of the NorthStar Medical Radioisotopes said, this sales, manufacturing and distribution partnership is responsible for marking the growing and strong relationship of NorthStar and GE Healthcare, and they are now looing forward to work with the company for the purpose of meeting the needs of the customers of the radiopharmacy and also the patients, whom they serve.

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Stephen Merrick also said, the company ‘NorthStar’ has been strongly committed to the future of the nuclear medicine, along with the ability for providing the iodine-123 capsules for further expanding the company’s portfolio of diagnostic imaging, that also includes locally manufactured FibroScint, which has been a novel diagnostic imaging agent, along with the potential of the clinical utility in the cardiovascular care and non-uranium Mo-99/technetium-99m.