Increase in Delta Covid-19 Cases Leads to New Restrictions in US


According to the concerns regarding the ongoing increase in the rate of novel corona virus infection in the United States because of the Delta variant of the novel corona virus, that has been spurring more call for the unvaccinated people in the country for getting the covid-19 vaccine jabs and it has also put the health officials of United States to re-consider the path to the post-pandemic normalcy of the country.

As the government of the United States has eased the covid-19 restrictions along with the face mask rules and the efforts for re-opening the travel and businesses, the current increase in the novel corona virus pandemic cases, which are now resulting on more caution and more restrictions.

On Monday, 26th July 2021, the US Department of Veterans Affairs said, it is going to be requiring the doctors along with the other medical staff for getting the corona virus vaccine jabs, and it said that, it has been the best way for keeping the Veterans safe more specifically as the Delta variant of the novel corona virus is spreading across the country.

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Gavin Newsom, governor of California said, in the beginning of the coming month is going to be requiring the employees of the state and all the health care workers for showing the proof of the novel corona virus vaccination of getting tested every week.

Gavin Newsom also said, the announcement has been a significant and broad and he believes that, California might be the first state at the scale for not only requiring the novel corona virus vaccinations but also for engaging in the public partnership with the healthcare facilities.