Toyota Buys US Based Carmera to Bulk Up Driverless Technology


On Thursday, 14th July 2021, the research arm for Toyota Motor Corp., said, it has successfully acquired the US-based company ‘Carmera’, a provider of data and maps for the driverless vehicles, that has been responsible in marking the latest investment of the Japanese automobile company in the autonomous technology.

The acquisition, through the Woven Planet, a newly created subsidiary for an undisclosed amount, has been responsible for highlighting the push of Toyota for the purpose of bulking up the self-driving arsenal as the traditional automobile companies are competing with the autonomous ambitions of the technology companies including Amazon and Apple.

The company ‘Toyota’ said in a statement that, the acquisition of the company Carmera, is going to give access to the real-time, crowd-sourced inputs and high-definition maps, which are mainly essential for the autonomous vehicles for the purpose of locating and navigating themselves.

Both the companies Toyota and Carmera have been collaborated since 2018 on the projects, which is mainly including the technology, that is responsible for updating the repainted markings on the lanes present in the high-definition maps with the accuracy.

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James Kuffer, chief executive of Woven Planet said, it has been very well aligned with their expansion across the globe as a company, along with the acquisition, the company Woven Planed is going to be looking to the development and sales of an open map platform to the real and original equipment producers and automobile producers, who are now wanting some accurate and fresh data.