Data: Rates of New Covid-19 Cases Are Three Times Higher in US


After progressing for months in the fight against the novel corona virus, the novel corona virus cases in the United States have been seen increasing as the highly contagious Delta Variant of the novel corona virus is spreading rapidly across the country.

According to the data, the states in the United States of America, that have below-average corona virus vaccination rates have been triple the rate of the new novel corona virus cases in the country as compared to the states, which have the covid-19 vaccination rates above the average rates in the country.

According to the data, on Sunday, 4th July 2021, the states in the country that have low corona virus vaccination rates have reported an average of six new novel corona virus cases per 100,000 people every day in the previous week, and the states with high corona virus vaccination rates have reported an average of around 2.2 new corona virus cases per 100,000 people daily in the previous week.

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On Sunday, 4th July 2021, the state of Arkansas, where around 35 percent of the people had been fully vaccinated had recorded an average of 16 new corona virus cases per 100,000 people in the previous week, which is around five times more than the average rate of new corona virus cases across the country, and the gap between the states, which are having high vaccination rates and those, which are lagging behind in the novel corona virus vaccination program is continuously growing in the country.