Italy Imposed Mandatory 5-days Quarantine on Travelers from United Kingdom


Roberto Speranza, health minister of Italy said, according to a recent development, the government of Italy has announced that, it is going to be imposing a mandatory five-day quarantine on the people or visitors coming from the United Kingdom because of the fears of the Delta variant of the novel corona virus. Italy is also going to be introducing mandatory corona virus testing for the travelers coming from the United Kingdom.

On the other hand, the government of Italy has also decided for lifting all the novel corona virus restrictions on the completely vaccinated travelers arriving in Italy from the countries including Canada, Japan, the United States of America and several other countries in the European Union. The health minister of Italy also said, the people travelling from these countries should be fully vaccinated or they should be having a negative corona virus test report. For now, Italy is continuing the ban on the travelers arriving from Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and India.

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Previously, Austria, France, and Germany had introduced several strict novel corona virus restrictions on the travelers coming from United Kingdom, by following the footsteps of these countries, Italy has also imposed the corona virus restrictions. On Monday, 21st June 2021, the government of Italy said, the new covid-19 measures will come into force soon.

Currently, United Kingdom is suffering from the highly contagious and rapidly spreading Delta variant of the novel corona virus, and as per the figures from the Office for National Statistics, one in every 540 people in the United Kingdom has been infected by the Delta variant of the novel corona virus. The government of the United Kingdom said, there had been an increase of 79 percent in the weekly reported cases of Delta covid-19 variant.