Amazon Launched Digital Healthcare Accelerator Program for Startups in US


The Amazon Web Services (AWS) is going to be helping the early-stage digital health companies, which can possibly be collaborating the company’s healthcare customers and partners, and the cloud division of the company Amazon has now launched a healthcare accelerator for the purpose of boosting the growth of the different start-ups in the cloud technologies and also enabling the companies to tap into the commercial and technical expertise of AWS.

According to Sandy Carter, vice president of worldwide public sector partners and programs at AWS, the digital healthcare accelerator program of AWS is going to be focusing on the technologies like data analytics, voice technology, virtual care, remote patient monitoring and patient engagement.

The healthcare accelerator program of the company AWS will be a four-week program, which is open to the digital health start-up companies based in the United States of America and also the companies, which are having some existing operations in the United States, and also the companies that have an established product market fit with the revenue and the existing customers in the country. Ten start-up companies are going to take part in the inaugural program along with the proposals that are scheduled by 23rd July 2021.

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The company Amazon Web Services is also going to partner with the KidsX, paediatrics digital health accelerator for launching the accelerator program, and the Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles has also launched the KidsX accelerator in 2020, and this program has been linked to over 50 hospitals of children for the region of North America, Australia and Europe along with the companies that are focusing on increasing the digital innovations for the paediatric patients.